School ICT

ICT Suite

New ParagEducare ICT can offer school a complete package when it comes to designing and installing a new ICT Suite, we can offer everything from new be-spoke benching, design and installation to PC hardware, servers, cabling and MS operating system upgrades. Please see below for a breakdown of our current services:

Microsoft Windows Upgrades

The very first thing we do as a company is to perform a full free on-site audit, this will indicate  to us if the school's existing computing harware is suitable to run the latest MS Windows packages. We would also look at the schools existing sowtware packages to make sure they are all compatible with any proposed updgrade. Educare recommend that schools take advantage of the MS ESS program as this is the most cost efficant why to own and manage Microsoft LIcences 

Education Computer Hardware

Educare ICT is constantly reviewing new technology when it comes to market to make sure it is suitable for the school environment. We work with all the top tier manufacturers to enable us to best fit the solution that will enhance the learning experience.

Computer Accessories

We offer a wide range of Computer hardware accessories to help protect and enhance your  technology investment, we have list a few below:

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